How often do we make decisions in our life? Well, it is nothing less than an art I believe.
The month of June was scrolling on. Days went by characterized by a canopy of clouds, wetness of drizzles, and chill of breezy night winds. I presume that the summer season has drawn its curtains down, and it’s showtime for monsoon. Now a new array of decisions has to be compiled. I will call it a single-dimensional array as mostly a boolean value is stored in the result set which is stored in the decision array.
Decision[0]=Should I carry my umbrella or not?
(It doesn’t look that cloudy, I can manage with my cap).
Decision[1]=Should I wear my white cargo pants today?
If Decision [1] is True
Decision[3]= Can the washerman make it white as before, if it gets dirty?
Decision[3]= What are my other options?
Simple decisions it might seem but they manifest themselves as a form of art and the artist here is the person who makes decisions. And we have to be a good artist to recognize the colours that change on the canvas called life.
Carrying on with my work at the office,
A thought came to me flying.
The thought of going home,
And I was on verge of pushing it away.
But then I thought, why not?
Searching for dates was task 2.
Again a thought came to me flying,
A Thursday next month, was the thought.
Searching for the right Thursday,
Was task number 3.
Again a thought came to me flying,
July 11, was the thought.
Having made a decision for a Home visit,
It was time for decision analysis,
My sis visits home on second Saturdays,
And the one following July 11 happened to be one.
July 13 is Maternal Grandfather’s Death anniversary,
That too followed July 11.
The analysis was over,
And the decision was taken up for finalization.
Checking for tickets,
Seemed to be the final task.
July 11 being a weekend,
Hopes are high on finding one.
All the above-mentioned tasks were performed in lesser time than it took to pen down these events. There were many other Thursdays but nothing seemed as good as July 11. All the other events associated with July 11 came as a compliment. My sis may come home on the second Saturday and it would be my Grandpa’s death anniversary on July 13. But the possibility of my presence came into light only when I transformed my thought of going home into a decision. So this decision is an art piece created by correctly compiled combinations that were fed into the decision arrays using the art of decision-making.
Decision[0]: Should I go home? Yes
Decision[1]: Is July 11 the right date? Yes
So my Decision array consists of only 1(Yes that is) or you can say only positive values.
Like an Artist, who adds colours to his work on canvas,
So does a person who makes decisions, adds colours to his/her own life
Like a piece of art, which is formed by the combination of right colours,
So do right decisions, add right colour combinaion to a person’s life.
Waiting to don the colours of this art piece on July11.
Dated: June 7,2013