1) At PG
A friend was leaving for a job interview and wished to get the job as it was his Birthday(I wished for it too from the depths of my heart).
2) In Auto
An auto driver who paid me a rupee less for which he gave justification of lack of change. Well, I didn’t want to repeat the Airtel Ad ” Ek Rupaya Nahin hein ” scenario here. I preferred to walk away.
3) In Lift
A person who was standing in the front position in the lift and turning back to see if there were any owners of excuse me voices which he might hear as the lift stops at designated floors. I expected him to repeat the act but the frequency was limited to one. Very courteous of him.
4) In Friends’ Circle
a) Ms. Smrutimayee Pradhan, mentioned her wonderful Bangalore trip experience, which made me feel nostalgic and took me back to my Bangalore life.
b) Group of girls who took a lot of time for deciding on an evening snack, which was a treat from one of us(Priyadarshini). So was it the food that was going in or the money that was going out that consumed their thinking, I wonder?
Different people in different scenarios,
All Part of the same celebration, called Life.
Dated: 05-06-2013