I cleared the AWS- SAP C01 certification and following is the Learning Path I took:
- Exam Syllabus: Get Familiarized with the Exam syllabus first from the AWS official page. You can download the syllabus and few sample questions from this location : https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certified-solutions-architect-professional/
- Full Length video Course: I used Cloud Academy’s AWS certified Solutions architect learning path. It has around 60 hours of video content and 12 labs. The labs and videos will give you a good hold on the exam syllabus. https://cloudacademy.com/learning-paths/solutions-architect-professional-certification-preparation-for-aws-2019-377/ You can also refer to the popular course from Andrew Cantrill. Though I have not gone through the content personally, many users have reviewed and commented on this course being of high quality. https://learn.cantrill.io/p/aws-certified-solutions-architect-professional
3. Practice Papers: I used Tutorial Dojo’s Practice exams. It has 75×4=300 unique questions and section wise questions as well. The explanations of each question were very detailed and it will help us to understand Aws in a better way.
I found the Exam Preparation guide from tutorials Dojo quite handy as well, as it contains cheat sheets and important whitepaper links. https://tutorialsdojo.com/aws-certified-solutions-architect-professional/embed/#?secret=4WGQ4l9qf8
4. Forums: I referred the ExamTopics Forum and I found it to be really helpful. Though most of the answers provided to the questions are incorrect, the comments provided by various users will help you prepare well as the users point to whitepapers, documentation etc. I got few important whitepaper links from this site. https://www.examtopics.com/exams/amazon/aws-certified-solutions-architect-professional/
5. AWS Whitepapers: Though covering all whitepapers can be quite exhaustive, its really helpful. So if you have time kindly go through all the important ones. I am listing a few must read ones here:
a) AWS Well-Architected Framework- This is the must read white paper of all. The below blog post from aws has important details and links regarding this: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-well-architected-framework-updated-white-papers-tools-and-best-practices/
b) Building a scalable and Secure Multi Vpc network- Its a short whitepaper and I got few questions from this whitepaper: https://d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/building-a-scalable-and-secure-multi-vpc-aws-network-infrastructure.pdf
c) Migration Whitepaper: This whitepaper gives insights into migration of various aws resources viz. Db resources, Analytics Resources etc http://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/aws-migrate-resources-to-new-region.pdf?refid=70138000001adyu
6. AWS FAQs and Documentation: Apart from all the above take time to go through the FAQs and documentation of relevant services. Also take note of the service limits of the various services like max. lambda execution time, API Gateway timeout value etc.
If you have any questions, kindly reach out to me.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jithinjudepaul
All the very best for your certification and God Bless.
Thank you Bro
Thank you For the support and help